Thursday, January 2, 2020

New year, New me?

Dead people receive more flowers than the living because regret is stronger than gratitude
- Anne Frank

I firmly believe that the world might just be beginning to fix itself from the issue that it has been long suffering. The issue of “The ‘Should have’s and The ‘Could have’s”

‘Should have’s and ‘Could have’s
A lifestyle, a way of living that is filled and fueled with regret, hope of vindication & redemption, turning our lives into the kind of lives we’ve grown up watching in movies wherein everybody around you doubts you and you prove them wrong and show them their place and everyone begins to feel guilty for having mocked you and underestimated your skills and what not.

That’s not how the world works apparently.

Alright, I’m here to break your bubble and inform you without even an iota of inconvenience that we cannot always get our way with everything and no matter how butthurt you feel, it ain’t gonna change just to massage your ego.

This is the perfect time for you to begin bringing in the change as you’re anyways parading the whole ‘New year New me’ hype train.

So, this year…
I dare you to not second-guess yourself
I dare you to hold your own self accountable for the things you have in your control
I dare you to live one day without worrying too much about the future or the past
I dare you to not guilt yourself every single second!
I dare you to begin working on your ‘I wish's and  'I could’s

And more than anything,
I dare you ‘To begin living in 2020’ 
(refers to our constant need of staying stuck and to keep on re-living our past mistakes and then feeling guilty and hung up because we feel that if we do not show the world we’re still sad about it, someone or the other is going to see that and is going to make us feel bad about it by reminding us and insulting us with this sentence: ‘So you don’t even feel bad about what you did? Maybe that’s because you it never truly mattered to you, did it?’)