Thursday, March 7, 2019


A poem by Samyak Shah

Maybe I can't seem to support
Maybe I'm not the best at being there
Maybe it's a 'take all' attitude
Maybe I wouldn't want to show what all I've got
Maybe that's insecurity
Maybe that's an inability

Probably not good at predicting
Probably not quick to understand
Probably the dimmest despite being the smart one
Probably escaping at the first minute
Probably an instinct
Probably that's an inability

Possibly the worst at showing what's inside
Possibly the best at jumping to conclusions
Possibly bad at managing things in life
Possibly thinking of deserving the worst
Possibly a mental health hazard
Possibly that's an inability

Believing to become better
Believing to be toxic selectively
Believing that sadism is okay
Believing in two different worlds
Believing might just be giving away empty hope
Believing that's an inability