Saturday, November 3, 2018


A post by Samyak Shah

As much as we'd like to talk to one another and form what we presume to be a 'harmonious' human chain of communication and affection, there seems to be one trouble that a lot of us go through and put others through as well. 

What's that you ask? 


Don't get me wrong, I'm not the one to judge anybody on a creepiness scale because I (unlike a few idiots) know that everybody's perception of what's normal is different which is what everybody should be realising and accepting consciously and not just superficially. 

Let me tell you what my overthinking brain sprung up with when I began to think about what exactly categorizing someone as a 'creep' meant: Every person's creepy bar is set by their own selves based on the experiences they've had and the one's they've heard which forms (or conditions, scientifically speaking) what is called an impression or an image of what exactly something is like, which more or less influences how we're going to perceive it as! 

Put in simpler words: One thing/person is creepy for an individual and is not for another, and that's completely reliant on how the person has been brought up and what sort of perspectives are fed/how perspectives are manipulated in his/her life

Food for thought: There's a difference between someone feeling creepy for personal reasons as opposed to feeling creepy for the sake of not ruining your impression in a social setting because more often than not, creepiness is caused faster when a social setting is kept in mind as opposed to seeing somebody as an individual just like us...

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